Take a trip through the life of the genius guitar slinger and triumphant blues singer Memphis Minnie; through her songs we will learn of her life, her dreams and her struggles.
On the back of her gravestone writes...
The hundreds of sides Minnie recorded are the perfect material to teach us about the blues. For the blues are at once general, and particular, speaking for millions, but in a highly singular, individual voice. Listening to Minnie's songs we hear her fantasies, her dreams, her desires, but we will hear them as if they were our own.
Hier kan je een link vinden naar een video waarin Suzie een nummer brengt van Memphis Minnie in de ABC (Acoustic Blues Club) in Hastings, UK: KLIK HIER.
Sister Suzie: verteller en zangeres deze avond Matt Jackson en Ilja De Neve: gitaar en piano voor enkele songs tijdens de lezing
Aanvang: 19u30
Reserveren: 052 520 466
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Leden: 10 euro, niet-leden: 15 euro.